Thursday, March 29, 2012

My results of my palm reading

Your Palm Reading Results!

This palm reading is for your right hand, your major hand. Your left hand tells the potential you were born with, and your right hand tells what you have done with it. This reading will tell you about your actual self and what you have done with your potential.

You have a Fire hand. This is known as the instinctive hand. You are creative and imaginative. You surround yourself with people, more comfortable in groups than alone. You are generally unafraid to take risks. You launch yourself enthusiastically into all your endeavors, driven by your passionate nature.

You have a fairly adaptable personality. You could thrive in a number of different life paths. You daydream of adventure and novelty, although you may not make the effort to make it happen. It is quite possible and likely that you had or will have difficulty choosing a specific direction in life.

You relish luxury, enjoying the finer things life has to offer. You are highly sensual and social. You must be careful as you may be prone to addiction and overindulgence.

You relish luxury, enjoying the finer things life has to offer. You are highly sensual and social. You must be careful as you may be prone to addiction and overindulgence.

You are in relatively good health and generally live your life joyfully and in high spirits.

You are a free-spirit, driven by your independent thinking. The world is your oyster. Everything is there for you for the taking and you reach out and grab it.

You are a fairly straight forward person. You don't typically worry too much, though you may occasionally be prone to bouts of stress and need to be careful not to keep things bottled up, only to explode later.

Lack of ambition may very well be a dilemma for you. Your decisions tend to be driven by emotion rather than logic. You are probably more of a follower than a leader.

You have an inflexible nature. You have a tendency to be very firm and uncompromising. It's generally your way or the highway.

You are a well rounded and sound thinker, possessing a healthy symmetry between emotion and reason, typically thinking before making a decision.

You are sometimes driven to act through emotional impulse. You may also be inclined to occasional carelessness. Be careful of this in your daily life.

You are a social being. You enjoy being surrounded by others, and you yearn to be the center of attention. You tend to act more on emotion rather than logic.

You have experienced major changes in your lifestyle, health or well being. These could be a change of business, relocation, a new business or career, or a marriage.

You have a short Life Line. Contrary to popular belief, this does not necessarily mean you will have a short life. You may however have a tendency towards a monotonous or drab life. Your comfort zone is narrow.

You are quite independent with a strong need for freedom and flexibility. You may be impulsive. You are full of energy, and you are confident in your abilities. You can stand on your own, self-sustaining.

You bloomed or are blooming later in life than most of your peers. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Embrace the new self you are discovering.

The lines across your Life Line are your lines of influence. They show the people and the experiences that have influenced your life. These include good and bad experiences.

You have strong mental energy. You have a strong intellect. You are an intense and rational thinker. You are a clever person with a well organized thought process.

You have a very positive outlook on life. You are a very logical thinker and a curious person. You are aware of your surroundings and are quite perceptive. You grasp concepts well. You are a highly detail oriented person. You need to be aware of your tendency to go off on tangents, losing your original train of thought.

You are imaginative. You excel in artistic and creative endeavors. You are a dreamer and a visionary. You have a strong imagination. At the extreme, you may have issues with escaping from or withdrawing from reality.

You are a late bloomer. You are very independent. You care little about what others think of you, forging your own unconstrained path in this world.

The lines on your Head Lines indicate outside influence. They can be caused by mental blocks, stress or worry. You may have difficulty with concentration.

You have strong emotional energy. You wear your heart on your sleeve. You seek romance and grand gestures in your relationships. You are emotionally mature. You prefer relationships to the single life.

Romance doesn't necessarily come naturally to you, but you put forth the effort in relationships. You need to work to keep your relationships fresh. You need to be careful to pay attention to your emotions and not keep them bottled up inside.

Women with an upward curving Heart Line have a tendency toward high femininity, while men with this quality tend toward high masculinity, even machismo.

You most likely had problems with emotional development at a young age. You may be emotionally self-centered and have a tendency to put up emotional walls around yourself.

You are naturally flirtatious and like to playfully tease others.

The islands on your Heart Line are a mark of emotional insecurities. You need to learn more about yourself to build your self confidence.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think your palm reading was accurate? Explain.
